hello.. aku 28/11/2011 aku amik ukkm, venue: mrsm alor gajah, time: 2.00-5.30 :)
ok aku tknk cite pnjg.. aku jwb ikot komputer.. and lps korg smpi kt komp tu korg kene isi name, ic, kod tempat ke aptah.. and after all that korg smue bole jwb....
mathematic: ade 40 soalan, mase jwb 75 minutes.. bole gune kalkulator.. soalan die agak susah.. just kene rilek timw jwb.. dibekalkan kertas untuk mengire.. that's all
science: 50 soalan, 1 hour.. sng don't worry :)
keperibadian: 100 soalan mase 30 minutes.. soalan die berkenaan dgn ape pon aku tk tau.. tp mmg tah pape.. just jwb yg terbaik..
harap post ni membantu.. hahaha kbye..
and ni slip yg korg akan dpt lpas amek ukkm.. :)