assalamualaikum and hello for those who read my blog...
mengikut tajuk post ni"mum dad" ok.. everyone mesti ade mak n ayh.. even though they had gone.. still korg mesti ade
actually ape tu mak ayah?..
they are the one who will catch u when u fall, never leave u, the one who knows the best for u.. the one who will guide u to live in this world, the one who taught u to be strong, the one who taught u what is the meaning of love, the one who will protect u, the one who will laugh with u, the one who will cry with u, the one who will take care of u when u'r sick, the on who will kiss u'r forehead for the first time, the one who will hold u'r hand to cross the street, the one who will walk infront of u, the one who'll never leave u until the end of their life
and so more
and please ape pon tjadi, kalo korg mrah ke dgn diorg jgn la mrah lame2.. cause someday for sure they will leave u... satu hari nnti diorg akan tngglkn korg jugk... kite kt dunia ni sementare akhirat gk yg slame-lamenye... if korg marah dgn mak bpk korg, ingt 1 tu je satu hari nnti for sure thew will gone.. bagi aku kalo aku ingt cmni, i will feel better la.. hope korg bole try..
jgn la mrah kt diorg, if diorg marah korg pon.. mesti ade sbab.. if tkdek sbab pon, biase la diorg pon manusia.. and diorg tau ape yg trbaik untuk korg..
the end " Ya Allah Kau ampunilah dosa kedua ibu bapa ku, berilah kekuatan kepada mereka untuk mengharungi cabaran di dunia ini, murahkan rezeki mereka, jauhilah mereka daripada azab perkuburan, dan Ya Allah, Kau pertemukanlah kami di syurgaMu Ya Allah Ya Rabbi, amin "
k thanks sbb bace byee and salam :)