westlife grow up with me.. love their musics and will never get bored
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
trust me, do you feel what i feel..i'm not sure you know, that the reason i love you is you. the reason i love you is that all we've been through
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
turu :)
this is turu
hahah rindu gilaa dia, turu ni la yg akan teman my sis and i when bed time, we'll put it's cage beside us and then we went to bed.. but mostly during sleep time, turu will stay awake.. ahahah
it's fur was smooth and too smooth..
dulu2 kami mandikan dia 2 minggu skali.. haha
time awal2. kami buat dia mcm bath tub guna baldi.. lpstu msokkn dia dlm tu tp tkdek la smpi lemas
then after few months later kiteorg mndikan die direct je dgn pipe.. haha dulu tk rase ape2.. skrg ni rase kejam plak buat cmtu..
turu ni dia makan apa je, limau,spaggheti,m&m,kropok ikan, conclusionnye ape yg kiteorg mkn smue kiteorg bgi kt dia. hahahah
p/s: turu was dead when i was in standard 5... miss this hamster so much.. :') after her death, we never have a pet.
dear turu, please pray for us :)
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
nice song :)
even from the far and distant roads, you continue to shine for me
snsd-all my love is for you
snsd-all my love is for you
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you... away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say
I'd say I wanna blow you... away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
i just hate when someone talks about new gadget, stuff... do i really need to care about it? i just love simple life.. simple thing, no need to impress others with things you have.. please be simple.
wanna know why? because not all of your friends got what you have.. sometimes their live are not as easy as yours.. maybe they do want that one coolest stuff ever, but they can't afford it.. think about that people.. don't just be proud of what you have..
wanna know why? because not all of your friends got what you have.. sometimes their live are not as easy as yours.. maybe they do want that one coolest stuff ever, but they can't afford it.. think about that people.. don't just be proud of what you have..
Saturday, November 17, 2012
no idea
sometimes we used to judge someone by their looks, their status, their friends, their money, their social activities, what they wear, who they talk to...
take times to know them.. sometimes they are better than you...
if we want to change the world, we need to start by changing ourselves first
let's be BRAVE
haha so these are merida's brothers hamish,hubert and harris
these after they ate the cake.. hahaha
p/s: cuteness level unexpressed
Friday, November 16, 2012
my dad :')
Sebenarnya kan , Abah anggap kami bertiga macam anak-anak yang berumur 14 1Dalam 5 tahun . Kat rumah still boleh main kejar-kejar , geletek-geletek , main teka-teki , main magic , main super spontan , main tepuk-tepuk , main number , main cakap macam Johan cakap , main cakap-cakap pastu kat belakang ayat ada PPPUUIII , main macam budak-budak ah senang cite . HAHA . Nampak tak permainan aku disitu ? Permainan apa ?? Aku pun taktau . Lalala . Abah jaga kitorang macam mat rempit jaga moto . HAHA k tipu . Takde , abah jaga kitorang betul-betul la sebab kitorang semua perempuan kot . Abah tak biasa lagi lah nak bagi anak dia keluar-keluar merayau . Kalau nak keluar dengan adik beradik aku boleh ah , so aku ngan adik beradik aku ni dah macam kawan pun . Haaa . untung ah girls kat luar sana yang boleh keluar dengan kawan-kawan hari-hari . Untunglaaaa untunglaaa parents tahu korang ada boyfriend . Untung untung . Sabar je laa . Untung untung . Hmm . Kadang-kadang aku rasa sedih sikit ah kan bila susah nak keluar . Untung untung . Annoying bukan perkataan untung untung . Cepah ah lempang aku *tadah pipi* . Puuiiiii tak berani ah tuu !
But seriously , aku bahagia dengan hidup aku sekarang . Abah ajar and didik kitorang jadi anak yang berguna . Bila fikir balik , aku rasa untung sangat ada abah macam abah aku . Kan kan ? Korang tak rasa ke ? Memang ah . Sebab bukan abah korang . Abah aku . Hihi . Coweee :) Abah aku sangat periang , pelawak antarabangsa , chef mastermasterchef , penjenaka (Oh My Malay) , penaik semangat kitorang . Abah tak pernah miss doa untuk kejayaan anak-anak dan isteri dia . Abah selalu suruh kitorang rajin bangun solat tahajud instead of tengok bola pagi-pagi . HAHA . Abah selalu ajak kitorang solat jemaah . Bak kata Ustaz Ustazah , solat jemaah boleh merapatkan silaturrahim antara ahli keluarga and yess kitorang terlalu rapat sampai rasa macam kawan . Kadang-kadang kitorang main super spontan tu keluar aku kau je . HAHA :D *tu pun nak cerita, k k sorry* . Tapi kan , memang nenek aku pun cakap abah memang seorang yang ego tinggi . Haaa , nama pun lelaki kan ? Kalau tak ego , tu bukan lelaki dah .
Bersyukur dapat abah yang penyayang . Aku selalu ingat , tak kira abah marah teruk mana sekali pun , abah tengking bagai nak terangkat bumbung rumah ke , abah merajuk macam mana sekali pun , abah tetap abah aku . Tanpa abah , takde nya aku lahir dekat dunia ni . Selagi abah aku hidup , aku akan terus berbakti kepada abah . Aku akan berusaha untuk jadi anak yang solehah . Aku akan belajar bersungguh-sungguh . Aku akan banggakan abah and mama . Aku taknak jadi anak yang derhaka . Tapi Ya Allah , ampunkan aku jika aku pernah melawan abah and mama even dalam hati yang berbentuk love ini . Love laaahh sanggaaattt -____- Tapi kan , kesimpulannya ABAH AKU SANGAT BAIK DAN TERBAIK . Daebakk !! :D
Okay lah . Sekarang pukul 4.31p.m hari Ahad . Abah aku sekarang tengah tengok sports kat tv sorang-sorang . Abah aku memang fanatic sports . Aku jadi suka jugak . Okay lah . Nak kirim salam dekat abah aku tak ? Haa by the way abah aku nama penuh dia Iskandarshah bin Hamzah . Sedap seyh nama abah aku . Abah aku suruh cakap ni "Kalau ada orang eja nama abah Iskandar Shah or Iskandariah or IskandariahShah , cakap dekat diorang , abah boleh saman diorang" . HAHA :D Soo jangan silap lagi eja nama abah aku tauu :3 Okayy untunglaaaa nama abah aku ni unik sangat sampai abah aku boleh saman siapa yang salah eja . HAHA . Abah , abah *geleng-geleng kepala* . Hihihihih . K lah guys . Annoying pulak cerita aku , sorry laa . Tak suruh baca pun . Korang yang baca . Kekeke :D
p/s: this is from my sis post, i just copy n paste from her.. tu bnyk ayat gedik uh.. hahahhaha k credit to angah
Thursday, November 15, 2012
just visited my sister this evening..
as usual she's annoying
just visited my sister this evening..
as usual she's annoying
so we're both annoying..
but i love her (eww) hahaha jk
Dear Allah
ya Allah the almighty, give us strength to live in this world full of challenges..
as we can't feel the pain of our muslim relatives out there, we could only pray to You..
save them from cruelty of israel and their pact..
save gaza, palestine and other muslims from their soldiers..
save the children there as they are the members of your Jannah..
ya Allah the strongest, help islam and let us win against our enemies..
ya Allah, i'm weak.... let me remember you always..
ya Allah the most beautiful.. in all reality you're listening...
<3 allah="allah" p="p">
ya Allah the almighty, give us strength to live in this world full of challenges..
as we can't feel the pain of our muslim relatives out there, we could only pray to You..
save them from cruelty of israel and their pact..
save gaza, palestine and other muslims from their soldiers..
save the children there as they are the members of your Jannah..
ya Allah the strongest, help islam and let us win against our enemies..
ya Allah, i'm weak.... let me remember you always..
ya Allah the most beautiful.. in all reality you're listening...
<3 allah="allah" p="p">
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
fact about me
i love people who smile
i like to look at people who walk alone
i like to think about deja-vu
i hate noises
i hate people who hate others
i admire those who kept on smiling eventhough bad times on them
i like to judge a person before getting to know them
i don't like gossiping about guys
i prefer to study alone
i hate someone who is whistling
i like to look at people who is unique
well i'm not perfect but this is me.
i like to look at people who walk alone
i like to think about deja-vu
i hate noises
i hate people who hate others
i admire those who kept on smiling eventhough bad times on them
i like to judge a person before getting to know them
i don't like gossiping about guys
i prefer to study alone
i hate someone who is whistling
i like to look at people who is unique
well i'm not perfect but this is me.
losing him was blue like i never known,
missing him was dark grey all alone
forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met
but loving him was red
-taylor swift-
missing him was dark grey all alone
forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met
but loving him was red
-taylor swift-
Monday, November 12, 2012
happy deepavali to those who celebrate it :)
sincerely from amar as he's the most excited to wish each and everyone of you.. hahahahhaha
the good, happy one-idzni-
the bad, sad one-amar-
the prettiest part
when you're making your ugliest face
then you're brave
when you're brave.. you're beautiful...just beautiful
once my friends and i were a die hard fan of this band
i miss everything about them
to amalia and aisyah <3
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
one promise :')
"Jnji en kalau aku dpat straight en kau blanje mkan, aku kau n kkk kau,"
hahha insyaAllah, i promise :)
Friday, October 26, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
words, describe me please
that's it.. the end thank you assalamualaikum
p/s: my friends are awesome cause they can accept me for who i am
Friday, September 14, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
grown up :)
assalamualaikum, kali ni post nk ckp psal shbat2 saya yg dulu ex JESS dah follow their own way :) firstly, saya sndiri pon ade jalan sndiri.... so do my friends :')
adriana: currently, she's now studying at mrsm Johor Bharu, saya tau dia akan happy kt sane, she's friendly person.. like to laugh.. making jokes.. this is her in that place

fith: ahaha dia skrng dkt sms muar :) and this is her

sarah: kawan saya pertame time dkt jess :) now she's at mrsm Pengkalan Chepa (spelling?)

no matter how closed our friendship, sometimes we need to follow our own way, the friendship will remain although thousand miles separated us.. we still contact each other and this time, we will have our own path.. our own journey... and at the end, the journey will lead us back together.. insyaAllah..
friends, they're priceless... :')
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
salam aidilfitri!!
assalamualaikum buat yg mngenali diri, salam aidilfitri. maaf zahir dan batin terutama untk family yg tercinta.. hahah
and then for my friends.. kwn kt jess and maresmart.. sorry for being that damn good to you guys ohoho.. sori kalau spnjg prjalanan prsahabatan kita aku ada terkasar bahasa, terguris perasaan, walaupun aku rase tkdek hahah.. just want to say that there's no one could ever replace you guys in my life..
hope taun dpn akan ade lgi ramadhan dan syawal :)
wanna share my family with kamu2!
p/s: tp ade lagi yg tkdek dlm ni..

tu je sbb dah malas nk upload..
thnx for reading this
ok bye assalamualaikum! tk jwb dosa kalau jwb syg
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
there's one person........
there's one man who is one of my friends... i met him through Fb, for the first time he commented on my inbox and , i'd waited for about a month to reply.. after that, we've become a friend.. he is a shy person.. but there's one thing about him that makes me fall for him... he respect girls and never hurt my feeling.. there's one time where we followed our own path.. but we still contact each other.. there's a journey between me and him.. i'm glad to meet him, and never regret to become his friend..
may Allah keep our relationship forever and guide us to the correct path..amin
there's one person........ he changed me.
may Allah keep our relationship forever and guide us to the correct path..amin
there's one person........ he changed me.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012

mcm mne homework nk siap kalau stiap kali nk buat je.."mlm ni buat"
mlm- "tkpe cuti pnjg lgi, esok buat"
esoknye- bukk buku.. siap 5 pekataan "mlm ni smbg, on9 dulu"
and so on...
i'll be dead when the school open
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