try to imagine if you manage to create a doll.. with perfect structure and could do many things with it.. of course you want to take care of it and would not want anybody to destroy it. so you put clothes on the doll so that the doll won't get dirty. you place the doll in a good place so that you could see the doll everyday...
that is Allah. but He did even more than the example i just stated.. ya Allah there's just nooo perfection rather than Him. there's just no simply creator other than Him. there's always love in every action that He made.. if you wanna know islam.. indeed it is too wonderful to be mentioned... this is just a few words of how i want to describe about islam.
why i posted this? because i am so grateful to Allah for giving me the best reason to be raised as a muslim.. because mostly people without islam is looking for that reasons to live... i found it already....i know there is a purpose for me to live my life...
but as the nature of human being we will always making mistakes... but Allah is always open His door of forgiveness..
bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. ya Allah open up every person who read this their heart to increase their iman.. ya Allah grant us paradise together with your most beloved person Muhammad s.a.w... ya Allah in all reality You are listening... ameen ya rabbalalamin.....